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Sep 13, 2023

Understanding the Normalcy of Masturbation and Its Role in Self-Discovery

Understanding the Normalcy of Masturbation and Its Role in Self-Discovery

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Masturbating almost every day at your age is perfectly normal and has no negative physical, psychological, or fertility consequences. 

Many people continue with the same frequency as they get older; there's no age limit!

Furthermore, self-pleasure is valuable for self-discovery, understanding your body, preferences, and fantasies. This journey of self-awareness continues throughout life.

Some people maintain a similar frequency even in relationships, while others may reduce it during frequent sexual encounters with a partner.


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Regarding this, it's worth noting that as long as self-stimulation doesn't negatively impact the couple's intimacy, it can enhance fantasies and excitement, contributing to maintaining intimacy.

The motivations behind self-pleasure vary and include releasing sexual tension, aiding sleep, enjoyment, and seeking physical pleasure and satisfaction.


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